Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Category: Chimera

  • Chimera on DVD

    From Revelation Films with a launch date of May 24th, if you’re interested… Chimera wasn’t my first TV work but it was the one that upshifted my career and spoiled me for anything less than big-budget ‘event’ TV. Few official details yet but the product description reads, First broadcast on British TV in 1991, Chimera…

  • Television Q and A

    How did you begin your career in television? I was writing for radio at the time. It was a science fiction piece for Radio 4’s Saturday Night Theatre and Martin Jenkins, my producer, sent the script over to the Doctor Who production office. So out of the blue came this call to go over and…

  • BUGS

    I had a note this morning from Dave Young, architect of my website, to let me know that Play.com are offering all four seasons of the mid-90s action thriller series BUGS at £7.99 a pop in their New Year Sale. (I mention the website business not because it’s relevant, but because it’s cheaper to hand…

  • The Nature of the Beast

    Given that I’m a zillion miles from the action and not even an American writer, this isn’t the place to come for front-line news on the WGA strike. But what’s going on out there is an important and necessary step in evolution that’s going to affect us all, and we’ll be feeling its effects sooner…

  • Too Much Monkey Business

    There’s been a lot of online coverage about the Cadbury’s drumming gorilla ad… viral activity that felt spontaneous and justified at first but which (or maybe it’s just me) is beginning to feel more than a little manipulative now. After some speculation as to whether it was actually Phil Collins in the gorilla costume (duh?)…