Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Category: Doctor Who

  • Faustine in the Stores

    With new titles coming and the initial Kickstarter fulfilment well under way, Cutaway’s Gods and Monsters series will soon be available at comic book stores worldwide. Which means you can order and pick up locally with no postal charges, especially important when you consider the hefty sums levied for delivery to the US and overseas.…

  • The Entitlement Thing

    The magazine Doctor Who Monthly runs a readers’ poll every season. This year, one reader couldn’t even wait until the end of the run before sharing. He gave every story the lowest possible mark (‘Awful’), including those he hadn’t seen. He hated every villain that wasn’t a Dalek, and called for Matt Smith to be…

  • Bernice Summerfield Did My Headshots

    Seriously. Lisa Bowerman – aka Doctor Who‘s Bernice Summerfield – is a talented portrait photographer, specialising in actors’ headshots. You’ll find numerous examples of her work in the Spotlight directory of performers. She works with traditional film negative and natural light, moving to digital for delivery. Photo credit: Lisa Bowerman Okay, so Pitt and Clooney…

  • A Hero’s Update

    Here‘s a page of reviews for A Hero’s Journey, mine included. Can you type with gritted teeth? The show played to full houses and even made money. My first piece of staged writing, longer ago than I’m willing to admit, was a similar venture that attracted exactly one review. And it was a stinker.

  • A Hero’s Journey

    A lightning strike on Brooligan Village has knocked out phones and broadband for the past ten days, which has put a crimp on my blogging and tweeting while forcing me to get some actual work done. But here’s where I’ll be later this week. I have tickets for A Hero’s Journey, an hour-long comedy playing…

  • Saturday Event

    On Saturday I’m giving a talk-with-clips about my TV career at the Lass O’Gowrie on Charles Street in Manchester, and as the day gets closer I’m growing convinced that no one is going to turn up. If you’ve an events diary or similar feature and might be interested in giving it a mention, feel free…

  • Manchester Events

    Got a couple of things going on in Manchester in July, and as the month’s speeding toward us I suppose I’d better a) mention something about them, and b) start getting psyched about what I’m going to do. Both events take place at “Manchester’s perfect pub” the Lass O’Gowrie near Oxford Road, and the first…

  • Who Loves Ya

    To quote The Fast Show, this week I has mostly been watching Doctor Who. I hadn’t seen the show in at least a couple of years and, frankly, I took one look at Matt Smith in pre-publicity and thought WTF? He’s twelve! and so wasn’t too encouraged to visit again. The enthusiasm of friends did…

  • The Avengers Guy

    I had to miss last month’s UK Fantasycon, but I’d already been asked to write an appreciation of Guest of Honour Brian Clemens for the Convention’s programme book. Here’s what I said. It was one o’clock in the morning and I had stuff on my mind. I turned on the TV for distraction. In a…

  • Travelling in Time

    I’m seeing trailers for the new movie The Time Traveller’s Wife (as we’d spell it in the UK), and they’ve reminded me that a while back I did some thinking around the uses of time travel in fiction and on the screen. And what’s a blog for, if not to share? The most obvious form…