Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Thomas M Disch

I’m sad to hear that the death of Thomas M Disch has been reported.

Tom Disch was my first real-live author, by which I mean the first one that I met and talked to in the flesh at my first convention – that was Yorcon 2 in Leeds in 1981, where he was the Guest of Honour.

He was friendly and gracious and he made me feel considered and important, in what couldn’t have been much more than a five minute conversation. It was a long time ago but I can still remember it with great clarity.

One response to “Thomas M Disch”

  1. I’ve just heard the news too… only read 334 and despite finding it a difficult read, I found the intelligence in the writing so awe-inspiring.

    I hope J G Ballard doesn’t die just yet – I’ve only just “discovered” him.